So I stopped using it.
Then I lost all my friends.
Just kidding.
But I definitely needed to use something to keep the stench at bay. So I started my search for home made deodorant online. Believe me, there are so many recipes for home made deodorant, one could never read them all, so I just picked a simple one and went with it. I can't even remember the exact recipe now, but it was just coconut oil, baking soda, and essential oils.
And it worked! I couldn't believe how well it worked. (Here comes the gross part) I sniffed my pits a lot those first few days, and then sniffed them again, because I was sure I may have missed something. I could not detect even a hint of body odor. I was ecstatic! I had succeeded in making my own chemical free deodorant, and it was cheap! No more worries about aluminum in my pits.
Then about a week after using my own deodorant, I noticed a few red bumps under one arm. A full on rash developed over the next few days, but it was only in one pit. I was puzzled. Why only one? So I asked my trusty friend, Google, about the rash, and discovered that baking soda could be the culprit, as it can be abrasive to delicate pit skin. (I still don't know why the rash was only on one side.) So I simply added more coconut oil to what I had already made to reduce the ratio of baking soda. And it worked. The rash went away, and my pits didn't stink.
For a while.
Then I started to smell myself when I wasn't even sniffing my pits.
I was back on the experimental road to smelling fresh.
I'll spare you the details, but it took a bit of experimenting to come up with something that worked for me, and you may have to try a few different ones before you find the right fit for your pits. You will be doing your body a huge favor though, by not putting all the questionable ingredients found in commercial antiperspirant/deodorants on it. And you probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already.
Here is the link to the recipe that works for me. (I used a combination of arrowroot and corn starch, with less baking soda; and lavender and peppermint EOs). I put mine in a jar and just apply it with my fingertips. This stuff works great, even after going on runs in 95 degree heat, and it lasts a long time, too.
Here's the rundown on the ingredients, and why they are used...
- Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, and it is a great moisturizer. Your pits will have never been so soft!
- Arrowroot/corn starch/baking soda all help to absorb perspiration and/or neutralize odor. Be aware that baking soda and corn starch can be a bit irritating to underarm skin.
- Essential oils (depending on the ones you choose) can be antibacterial, antiviral, and/or anti fungal. Plus, they make it smell good. Good choices for deodorant are tea tree, lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus, or any combination you find pleasing.
- Vitamin E is a natural preservative and has moisturizing and healing properties.
All of the good, and none of the bad. Try it. Your pits and lymph nodes will thank you.
Have you ever made your own deodorant?
In wellness,
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